To blog or not to blog. That is the question. The blinking cursor dost taunt us so, we search inside for meaning and find a barren wasteland of banalities and truisms. The never ending quest for meaning and significance, for originality and self-aggrandizement. Our endless disappointment in ourselves for thinking we know better yet, when it comes to the crunch, having nothing better to say than...
To blog or not to blog. That is the question. The blinking cursor dost taunt us so, we search inside for meaning and find a barren wasteland of banalities and truisms. The never ending quest for meaning and significance, for originality and self-aggrandizement. Our endless disappointment in ourselves for thinking we know better yet, when it comes to the crunch, having nothing better to say than...
So post you b@st*rd post. Not every thought has to be perfectly formed and worthy of being immortalized by the all seeing blogger
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