Saturday, 25 November 2006

Information Architecture & Planning

My company recently went through a merger with another company. Very different companies with very different, but supposedly complimentary skills (large design & build vs marketing & flash based)

As part of getting to know each other i presented some of my work to the creative director who kept remarking "that's planning, he's a planner".

I personally had never heard of 'planning' or the role of a 'planner', but as time has passed I now completely understand the cross over.

Soon after I went to the EuroIA conference where Jared Folkman spoke of 'Big IA' being comparable to the role of a planner, and that we would have to start using this sort of terminology as competition/dealings with above the line agencies increases.

Having now learnt a lot more about 'planning' it does seem like there's a lot of cross over (understanding the consumer, being the consumer guardian, coming up with strategic direction, performing and analysing user research, etc)

the thing is that they've been doing it for 30 years or so, and have a far more formalised structure to the role, which is worth taking advantage of (see the courses here plenty of these are relevant)

the MORE exciting thing is that the planning community seems to be a wonderfully interesting one. I've recently discovered and been devouring russell davies' blog. If you haven't visited it, you should. Inspiring, funny, and educational. Also seems like a ridiculously nice guy.

If this blog is about anything, i think it will be about this cross over.

Where's the fun? It's in finding a whole new area of untapped knowledge i'd never heard of that sounds brilliant fun

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